A VERY long April Planning Meeting
Last updated Jul 29, 2024

Folks – make sure you take coffee, snacks, and have a place lined up to order delivery-dinner from for Thursday, April 14th, because there are Sixty-Zero (60) items on the April agenda. Land development dollars are flowing and the number of applications represents that. This is a tough meeting for staff, commissioners, and interested parties as well because the 14th is Maundy Thursday, 15th is the start of Passover, Easter is the 17th, and taxes are due the 18th, so there’s a lot of competition for everybody’s time.

With that out of the way, here’s how to Engage and the items that KCPA is watching this month:

Agenda Review Meeting – Tues, Apr 12th, 11:30AM, Small Assembly Room. Not broadcast.
Submit comments – due no later than 3PM Wed, Apr 13th
View Submitted Comments
Request to speak – due 9AM Apr 14th
Map of Active Cases

Central Knoxville
#25 Knoxville College – 4-J-22-SP / 4-D-22-PA / 4-R-22-RZ – sector plan from various to MDR/Office, rezoning from various to RN-6 (multi-family). 11.7 acres, northern portion of college grounds (no buildings on it)


North Knoxville
#8 4-A-22-SP / 4-A-22-PA / 4-A-22-RZ – 4207 Burhin Rd across from Inskip Pool and Park, Hopeful Housing / Huber Properties – Sector Plan LDR to MDR, Rezone from RN-1 (single family) to RN-5 (general residential), 4.64 acres,
#53 4-D-22-SU 1830 Thunderhead Rd in Northshore Town Center across from Northshore Elementary, special use, retail shops and restaurant with drive thru

North Knox County
#15 4-B-22-SP / 4-H-22-RZ 3117 Myantt Rd, Knoxville Excavating, rezone from Ag to RB General Residential, 42.08 acres
#17 4-D-22-SP / 4-J-22-RZ – 9202-9216 Old Maynardville Pike, Sector Plan Ag to RC, rezone Ag to CA. Commission 8. Extension of Patterson Waste Hauling site to the north.
#21 4-N-22-RZ 3009 Rifle Range Rd, Commission 7, 6.52 acres, Rezuest Ag to LDR / Ag to PR @ 5 du/ac, Randy Guignard
#28 4-U-22-RZ 1331 W Beaver Creek Dr, rezone Ag to PR @ 1-5 du/ac, 12.5 acres

Northwest Knox County – Karns / Hardin Valley
#29 4-V-22-RZ, Mesana Investments / Scott Davis – 8415 Ball Camp Pike just east of Solway Rd intersection, rezone Ag to PR @ 5 du/ac, 3.61 acres

Concept Plans / Uses on Review
#33 Morning Ridge, Ball Rd in karns – 3-SD-22-C / 3-F-22-UR / site plan 57 lots on 19.31 acres, with a roundabout on the entrance rd and sidewalks on all interior roads
#34 4-SA-22-C / 4-C-22-UR Catatoga on Long Farm Way north of Yarnell Rd, HMH Development
#35 4-SE-22-C / 4-I-22-UR Ball Homes, 2205 W Gallaher Ferry Rd, 81 homes on 23 acres of land at 3.48 du/ac, in the Rural Area of the Growth Plan

West Knox
#18 4-E-22-SP / 4-K-22-RZ – Sector Plan Community Commercial to MDR, rezone from CA to PR @ 23 du/ac, 18.15 acres, Between Walker Springs Rd and Gallaher View Rd, Commission District 3. 23*18.15 = 425.5 units

South Knoxville
#23 4-P-22-RZ 2425 Anita Drive bounded by Anita Dr on south, James White Pkwy west, and railroad to north, rezone 5.9 acres from RN- to RN-4
#58 4-A-22-PD 1834 Beech St, a Planned Development proposal for Giffin School

South Knox County
#12 4-E-22-RZ – Gov John Sevier Highway – Jerry Price – Ag to PR @ 5du/ac, 17.45 acres
#19 4-F-22-SP / 4-L-22-RZ W John Sevier Highway, just west of Chapman Hwy intersection on south side, rezone from CA to PR @18 du/ac, 15.5 acres, in Planned Growth Area, Commission 9,
#26 4-L-22-SP / -S-22-RZ – 1826 E Gov John Sevier Hwy – Terry Romans – sector plan / rezoning Ag to PR@ 3 du/ac, 2.91 acres, TVA and KUB easements on approx ½ of it

East Knox County
#16 4-C-22-SP / 4-I-22-RZ 317 Brakebill Rd, Southern Homes and Farms, Sector Plan LDR to MDR, Rezoning RA/A to PR @10 du/ac. This is within the Urban Growth area of the Growth Plan.
#40 3-H-22-UR – 6721 Strawberry Plains Pike – proposes 62 condos and 2 detached residential on 7.9 acres
#44 4-F-22-UR 5515 Parker Dr at intersection of Rutledge Pk, Brain Ewers, proposed storage warehouse

Northeast County
#20 4-G-22-SP / 4-M-22-RZ 7921 / 7923 Thompson School Rd, Sector Plan Ag to LDR, Rezone Ag to PR @ 5 du/ac. Transportation Analysis. 108 acres total. Same applicant as Dry Hollow neighborhood in South Knox. Commission 8. Contact Gibbs Planning Advocates (gibbspa@kcpa.us) for neighbors interested in this issue.
#31 4-M-22-SP / 4-E-22-PA – 4-X-22-RZ 4912 Rutledge Pike, LI-HI (heavy industrial) to extend auto salvage from adjacent property.