A VERY long April Planning Meeting

A VERY long April Planning Meeting

Folks – make sure you take coffee, snacks, and have a place lined up to order delivery-dinner from for Thursday, April 14th, because there are Sixty-Zero (60) items on the April agenda. Land development dollars are flowing and the number of applications...
Advance Knox Ideas Week Workshops – Week of March 27

Advance Knox Ideas Week Workshops – Week of March 27

Next week is “Ideas Week” for the Advance Knox initiative. This is the is the process of creating a new land use and transportation plan for Knox County. Ideas Week are a series of 90-minute events where you’ll learn about the process and work with...

March Planning Meeting Items

Engage Agenda Review Meeting – Tues, Mar 8th, 11:30AM, Small Assembly Room. Not broadcast. Submit comments – due no later than 3PM Wed, Mar 9th View Submitted Comments Request to speak – due 9AM Thurs Mar 10th Map of Active Cases Below are the ones...
Knox County needs your $$ for Infrastructure

Knox County needs your $$ for Infrastructure

Knox County (including Knoxville, Farragut, the County, schools, and utilities) needs $4,180 per capita (person) to meet its reported transportation, water and wastewater infrastructure needs according to the update TACIR 2020-2025 Infrastructure Needs Report. In a...
Gibbs Post-Meeting Follow-Up

Gibbs Post-Meeting Follow-Up

If you made it in-person, thank you for participating!! If you were unable to make it, you can still participate. Final Thoughts and Follow-Up Items We need helpers and volunteers for Gibbs Planning Advocates. Drop a line to gibbspa@kcpa.us if you would like to help!...
Vision Gibbs Meeting Jan 27th

Vision Gibbs Meeting Jan 27th

The newly formed Gibbs Planning Advocates announced a Gibbs community meeting: Thursday, January 27, 6:00PM Clear Springs Baptist Church 7350 Tazewell Pike, Corryton, TN 37721 6:00PM – 7:30PM Hey Gibbs Community! Are you personally affected by traffic and road...
HVPA – Take Action Jan 2022

HVPA – Take Action Jan 2022

Monday, Jan 24th, 2022, 7:00PM is an IMPORTANT county commission meeting. There are 3 rezonings on the agenda that could approve up to another 506 residential units in our community. You’ve asked – here’s how you can get involved. Thanks to some great...
Growth in Hardin Valley

Growth in Hardin Valley

Hardin Valley is the fastest growing area of Knox County. At this month’s County Commission meeting, the commissioners have been asked to approve rezoning land for up to 506 additional units in Hardin Valley. Above you can see the total pipeline based on data...

HPVA and KCPA Joint Statement on Hardin Valley Growth

A Joint Statement from HVPA and KCPA on Growth in Hardin Valley to the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission and Knox County Commission December 6, 2021 There is a lot of Hardin Valley development activity on the December 2021 Planning Commission agenda. In front...
Third Workshop on Organizing and Messaging Thurs @ 6PM

Third Workshop on Organizing and Messaging Thurs @ 6PM

This Thursday at 6PM in partnership with the City Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, KCPA is presenting the final of 3 fall workshops on planning for neighborhoods. The session will start at 6PM via Zoom, and will be recorded. Link to join Thursday Oct 21 @ 6PM:...