Building Activity vs. Development Plan Approvals

Building Activity vs. Development Plan Approvals

Summary: We are approving more units each year through our land use planning process than we are actually building in unincorporated Knox County. From Jan 2020 through Jul 2022, 7,963 residential dwelling units were approved on Development Plans that went through...

Appeals Issue Summary for Aug 22 Vote

What is a Development Plan? How are Development Plans reviewed and approved? What are the issues neighbors and the community will have if the appeals process is changed? Why does this matter to my neighborhood and community? What does KCPA propose as an option? What...
Save Our Rights To Appeal Planning Decisions!

Save Our Rights To Appeal Planning Decisions!

For years, citizens have always been able to file development appeals at the local Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). The Mayor has asked County Commission to take away this right, and let the developer choose the venue they think they have the best shot at – BZA,...
Understanding the Numbers for Use on Review Appeals

Understanding the Numbers for Use on Review Appeals

TL;DR: In the last 14 years, the county’s Board of Zoning Appeals has heard sixteen Use on Review appeals. Of those cases, the BZA reached a final resolution for all but five. How Many Appeals Have There Been? With the assistance of KCPA volunteers and county staff,...
A VERY long April Planning Meeting

A VERY long April Planning Meeting

Folks – make sure you take coffee, snacks, and have a place lined up to order delivery-dinner from for Thursday, April 14th, because there are Sixty-Zero (60) items on the April agenda. Land development dollars are flowing and the number of applications...