Slides, a handout, and video are available for the 2nd workshop, which focused on the tools and processes. We hope these are helpful for…
News and Blog Posts
2nd Fall Workshop – How to Use the Tools – Sept 23, 6PM
This Thursday at 6PM in partnership with the City Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, KCPA is presenting the second of 3 fall workshops…
ULI Talk on Intentionality
Knoxville-Knox County Planning and the Knoxville chapter of the Urban Land Institute hosted a Zoom talk by Tom Murphy titled…
Fall Workshops with City Office of Neighborhood Empowerment
This Thursday at 6PM in partnership with the City Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, KCPA is presenting the first of 3 fall workshops on…
Ritta Planning Advocates discussion of Babelay Rd rezoning
Our newest affiliate, the Ritta Planning Advocates (RPA), will facilitate a neighborhood discussion of the requested rezoning of 6513…
General Plan and Regional Transportation Plan Combined Update
Members of the KCPA Board of Advocates attended the Knox County Commission Chairman’s Briefing on Monday, June 7 to hear from those…
KCPA in the News
KCPA was recently featured on the front page of the Knoxville Focus! For many years several local citizens have appeared before local…
TVA Announces Planned Route for New Lines in Hardin Valley
As the fastest growing area in all of Knox County with a steady, but rising annual growth rate of 3.9%, the stress on basic fundamental…
Local Voices Make Big Impact on Proposed Toole’s Bend Development
Since 2019, the residents of numerous neighborhoods in the Northshore / Toole’s Bend area have been working hard, and persistently, to…
Why Voting Matters
What do a stay-at-home mom and a politician have in common? More than you think. I didn’t always think so. Up until about 5 years ago,…