Save Our Rights To Appeal Planning Decisions!
Updated: July 19, 2022

For years, citizens have always been able to file development appeals at the local Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). The Mayor has asked County Commission to take away this right, and let the developer choose the venue they think they have the best shot at – BZA, or court! They are trying to rig the system even more in favor of developers, and take your existing rights away.

Take action this week – County Commission needs to hear from you by Friday, July 22 and this is a quick and easy way to do it!

Ask Commissioners to vote against the Mayor’s zoning ordinance proposal. Tell them you want the right to appeal Planning Commission decisions to the locally appointed Board of Zoning Appeals, and that you can see that this is taking away the rights you’ve had for years and handing the development community a big gift.