On December 12th, Planning Commission will consider a development plan application for phase 1 of Rowland Manor in the Hardin Valley community. Smithbilt is proposing to build 70 single family detached units on about 50 acres, with access onto Swafford Rd. Future phases will include a bridge over Beaver Creek, allowing access to Sam Lee Rd. Full information, including the site plan, transportation analysis, and public comments, is at https://knoxplanning.org/cases/12-C-24-DP
Hardin Valley Planning Advocates held a community meeting on December 3rd, with representatives from Smithbilt and Knox County available to answer questions (Facebook Live recording) (meeting slides).
Next steps in the process:
- Submit Comments to Planning Commission – https://knoxplanning.org/cases/12-C-24-DP. For the best chance to be read by commissioners, comments need to be in by early afternoon Fri, Dec 6
- Fri Dec 6th – Staff Reports and Recommendation released on the website
- Tues Dec 10 11:30AM – Planning Commission Agenda Review
- Wed Dec 11th 3PM – deadline for submitting comments for record
- Thurs Dec 12th 10AM – deadline to sign up to speak. Recommend appointing a single speaker – only get 5 minutes
- Thurs Dec 12 1:30PM – Planning Commission Meeting, Main Assembly Room, City County Building 400 Main St
Development plans are final at Planning Commission. They do not go to County Commission. They may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals, but the developer/applicant can “opt out” of the appeal and force it to go directly to court.
The Rowland Farm was rezoned to Planned Residential zone in Spring of 2020 (case 5-J-20-RZ). Ms. Rowland’s attorney requested 3 units per acre. Planning Commission voted to recommend 2.5 units per acre. There were no public comments submitted (this was right after shutdowns from the pandemic in spring 2020). At County Commission, there was no public opposition speaker. 6th district commissioner Brad Anders motioned to approve at 3 units per acre (the applicant’s requested density). The rezoning was approved unanimously (11-0) – Commissioners Gill, Carringer, Smith, Nystrom, Schoonmaker, Anders, Beeler, Dailey, Busler, Jay and Biggs voted aye. (Minutes). The property was sold to Smithbilt’s land holding company at the end of 2021.
Planned Residential zone requires a development plan to be submitted “showing the use or uses, dimensions and locations of proposed streets, parks, playgrounds, school sites, and other open spaces.” Often development plans are done in phases, and the development plan submitted for December is Phase 1 of several.
Specific Concerns about Sam Lee Rd
Five developments have been approved along Sam Lee Rd since 2019. If they are fully built out at approved densities, they could contribute up to 15,373 daily trips on Sam Lee Rd. The cumulative impact of these developments is shown in the below graphic. Future phases of Rowland Manor will utilize Sam Lee Rd as a primary access point.

Sam Lee Rd and Couch Mill developments approved since 2020