Growth in Hardin Valley
Updated: January 16, 2022

Hardin Valley is the fastest growing area of Knox County. At this month’s County Commission meeting, the commissioners have been asked to approve rezoning land for up to 506 additional units in Hardin Valley. Above you can see the total pipeline based on data requested from Knoxville-Knox County Planning and paid for by Hardin Valley Planning Advocates.

  • Jan 2021 – Nov 2021 – 666 residential building permits were issued in the Hardin Valley area. Those are either now under construction or very recently completed – they represent new housing coming online
  • 2,252 residential units have obtained concept plans but have not pulled development permits*
  • 8 units are pending Use on Review / Concept Plan Approval at Planning Commission (Feb 2022)
  • Up to 1,069 units could be placed on parcels that have been by County Commission to Planned Residential*

*Jan 1 2016 through Nov 30 2016 Use-on-Review/Concept Plan and Rezoning approvals

That’s up to 3,995 units that have already been blessed by County Commission. At the January County Commission meeting, applicants have requested Planned Residential zonings that, if all are approved per applicant request, would authorize submission of Use-on-Review/Concept Plans for up to 506 more residential units.

Today at 4PM EST, Hardin Valley Planning Advocates is hosting a Zoom meeting about the Growth in Hardin Valley and what you can do prior to the upcoming Jan 24th Planning Commission meeting

Hardin Valley Background Information: HPVA Background Sheet – Jan 2022

Meeting Slides: HVPA Hardin Valley Growth & Development Jan 2022