2nd Fall Workshop – How to Use the Tools – Sept 23, 6PM
Updated: September 20, 2021

This Thursday at 6PM in partnership with the City Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, KCPA is presenting the second of 3 fall workshops on planning for neighborhoods.

The session will start at 6PM via Zoom, and will be recorded. Link to join Thursday Sept 23 @ 6PM: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89163621406?pwd=UWZmaDBQMURxdzY3S0x5dWl1bEJIQT09

The second workshop will show the Knoxville-Knox County land-use maps and planning process from a resident perspective. Gain knowledge on how to conduct research using existing tools and resources, where to focus your time and attention, and who to connect with in Planning. KCPA will walk you through the process, from the receipt of public notification or knowledge of a land-use application request, through attending City Council meetings.

KCPA is a volunteer-organized community group established in 2018 to share land-use and planning experiences; advocate for long-term land-use planning, practices, policies and regulations; and educate citizens. The discussion will center around why connecting neighbors and advocacy is important, how you can learn more about land-use and planning basics, and how to organize or get involved with your neighborhood group.